Revolución Marketing | Corona Juanes
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Increase consumption of Corona Extra during a key summer selling period and secure promotional support in both on and off premise.


Integrated summer promotion anchored on Corona’s Extra “Life Indulgers” passion for music, by serving as presenting sponsor of Juanes 2015 US Tour. The program elements were seamlessly aligned and included brand/artist alignment; on premise activity (features and promotions) and off premise activity (retail displays); social media amplification and retail and consumer engagement.


Program roll-out in 14 markets

Over 450 on/off premise extensions in key retailer partners

Ultimate fan experience – Juanes Recording Studio Session

Increase of social media engagement with exclusive content to support promotion and leverage Corona Extra’s digital footprint:, Corona Extra Facebook and Corona Latino You Tube Channel

Brand exposure to over 75,000 attendees at LIVE concert including sampling, merchandising, artist/set integration, etc